Simulations of Mode Division Multiplexed Free Space Optics with Photonics Traversal Filter using Multi-Mode Fiber
The sixth-generation communication systems is expected to be deployed by 2030. The ever-increasing demands for ubiquitous connectivity for faster high-capacity communication systems has driven the quest for sixth generation communication systems. It is expected to address the need for higher capacity, lower latency systems with higher Quality of Service (QoS) when compared to 5G communication systems. Aerial Access Networks (AANs) have attracted attention and is considered as a potential solution for 6G systems. Heterogenous networks with fiber and FSO fronthaul architecture is expected to meet the demands for low-cost deployment of 6G networks. Increase in transmission capacity of FSO by mode division multiplexing to meet the demands for 6G communication has been least explored. Improvements in fiber multiplexing and demultiplexing techniques has enabled the possibilities for novel MDM techniques to improve the capacity of fiber networks at low cost. In this work, we have discussed the design of a novel photonics traversal filter to perform Mode Division Multiplexing in Multimode Fiber (MMF) and thereby increasing the capacity of the fiber with optimum Bit Error Rate. The performance of Mode Division Multiplexed FSO links is further examined to identify its capabilities to meet the demands of 6G communication systems.
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Performance Analysis of Dispersion Compensation Schemes with Delay Line Filter | Palanichamy | Infor-macije MIDEM (
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Copyright (c) 2021 Prakash Poornachari, Kasthuri Palanichamy, Ganeshmadhan M, Arul Prakash Samathuvamani
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