Electronically Tunable Mixed Mode Universal Filter Employing Grounded Passive Components
A recently developed active element, namely Voltage Differencing Differential Voltage Current Conveyor (VD-DVCC), is employed in the design of electronically tunable mixed-mode universal filter. The filter provides low pass (LP), high pass (HP), band pass (BP), band reject (BR) and all pass (AP) responses in voltage-mode (VM), current-mode, trans-impedance-mode (TIM) and trans-admittance-mode (TAM). The filter employs two VD-DVCCs, three resistors and two capacitors. All the passive components employed are grounded. The attractive features of the filters include: (i) ability to operate in all four modes, (ii) use of grounded passive components, (iii) tunability of Q factor independent of pole frequency, (iv) high input impedance for VM and TIM mode, (v) high output impedance explicit current output for CM and TAM and (vi) no requirement for double/negative input signals (voltage/current) for response realization. The VD-DVCC is designed and validated in Cadence virtuoso using 0.18µm PDK at supply voltage of ±1V. The operation of filter is examined at 5.305 MHz frequency. The non-ideal gain and sensitivity analysis is also carried out to study the effect of process and components spread on the filter performance. The obtained results bear close resemblance with the theoretical findings.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33180/InfMIDEM2022.204
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