Design of an optimized twin mode Reconfigurable Adaptive FIR Filter Architecture for Speech Signal Processing
Reconfigurability, low complexity and low power are the key requirements of FIR filters employed in multi-standard wireless communication systems. Digital Filters are used to filter the audio data stream and increase the reliability of speech signal. Therefore, it is imperative to design an area optimized and low power based reconfigurable FIR filter architectures.
The reconfigurable architecture designed in this research is capable of achieving lower adaptation-delay and area-delay-power efficient implementation of a Delayed Least Mean Square (DLMS) adaptive filter with reversible logic gates. The Optimized Adaptive Reconfigurable Adaptive Reconfigurable (OAR) FIR filter architectures are proposed. The optimized architectures are implemented across the combinational blocks by reducing the pipeline delays, sampling period, energy consumption and area, to increase the Power-Delay Product (PDP) and Energy Per Sample (EPS).The noisy speech signals are used for verifying the efficiency of the proposed architectures. The efficiency of the architecture is verified by implementing the proposed scheme in signal corrupted by various real-time noises at different Signal to Noise Ratios (SNRs).
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